27 September 2008

10 things that money can not buy.

10 things that money can't buy.

On August 7 we published a feature 10 things that money can't buy. In response Get Ahead reader Gagan Kumar, a corporate training consultant, sent his list of 10 things that money cannot buy. Read on.
Sages down the ages said we must remain happy and contended with what we have. But today's generation and just about everyone in this competitive world are running after one sole thing: money and creation of wealth.
But there are different ways in which different human beings think. For some wealth creation is abundance of money while for some others it could be just living joyfully.
Money or the creation of wealth can give you pleasures of life and help you realise your fantasies. But the big question is: can it provide you joy, peace, prosperity and lead you to megaliving as rightly put forth by famous leadership guru Robin Sharma?
To say that money and subsequent creation of wealth can buy everything is a misnomer. The true fact is money cannot buy everything. Here is a list of what money cannot buy but things that can be cherished over a period of your life perhaps.

1. Vision and mission of your life
The old age by W W Ziege goes like this: 'Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude and nothing on earth can help the man with wrong mental attitude'.
Without vision and mission you are like a jet without a flight plan or maybe a brain surgeon operating with a blindfold on. Lasting self mastery and excellence will only come about when you set precise goals and have a clear vision and mission plan in place.
Clear goals are foundation of success and if you do not set clear cut goals then it would be like a ship moving through deep seas without a course. And alas these are not a commodity which can be bought!

2. Networking and building nurtured relationshipsSeptember 25, 2008
You are the centre of your own universe. Where your universe intersects or overlaps someone else's, your lines cross that person's universe. If you could draw a map of the entire universe, you'd have a mesh or a web. Staying in touch and focusing on action is not only important for our evolution but is also a vital need to meet the larger challenges facing us today.
When we join hands with other people and share our dreams, aspirations, concerns and dreams not only do we find inner strength in this kinship but also practical help and ideas to carry out joint initiatives effectively. Remember, together each achieves more.
This is something that has to be cultivated and is not something that can be bought overhand.

3. ValuesSeptember 25, 2008
The highest good in human beings is their own self. This is the love, awareness and bliss of our inner most divine being. Everything worthwhile in life is an expression of this divinity. All that we value is the hidden quest for this divine source: Jack Welch in his book Winning.
Everything we do is based consciously or unconsciously on our values, attitudes and or conceptions of what is good and desirable. They are our inherent notions of what ought to be. Thus values are set of behaviours: specific, nitty-gritty and so descriptive they leave little to imagination.
People must be able to use them as marching orders because they are the how of the mission, the means to the end: Winning. And if u guessed it right folks values is not something which you can buy but what is nurtured by your traditional roots.

More @http://specials.rediff.com/getahead/2008/sep/25slde3.htm


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